Homeowners, schools, and businesses often make extra money by charging a flat-rate fee for all-day parking during the event.
Under one proposal, students would be charged a flat-rate fee analogous to 15 credits for full-time undergraduate students regardless if they take 12, 15 or 18 credits.
Each program typically offers 4-9 extracurricular excursions (depending on the selected destination) included in the flat-rate fee.
Unlike the other providers we've examined, Phonebooth eschews the multi-tiered price structure and per-minute billing of other services in favor of a flat-rate monthly fee.
Many of these mortgages do not charge a flat-rate fee, but are expressed as a percentage of the amount borrowed.
A Sprint plan, Sprint Sense, offers a flat-rate fee of 10 cents a minute for evenings and weekends and 22 cents a minute at other times.
For a variety of per-minute and flat-rate fees, Skype also offers calling to and from the public switched-telephone network.
It may be an hourly, flat-rate or contingent fee.
The company has been battling to regain momentum lost to rivals who have been quicker to provide high-speed, or third-generation, Internet services on their phones and offer some flat-rate fees.
They charge metered fees that start at around $3 a minute, flat-rate fees for each call or monthly subscriptions of $10 or $20.