It must be a kind of flat worm.
Another rode the crest of a high cheekbone like a short, flat worm.
The rock lay like an immense worm atop the sand, flat and threatening in the morning sunlight.
The spread and distribution of these flat worms is of concern and being studied by scientists.
Symsagittifera roscoffensis is a small (about 15 mm long) flat worm.
All higher and intermediate animals (from flat worms to humans), arise from a triploblastic ovum.
Many species of annelids and flat worms reproduce by this method.
What remains is a paste of very flat worms that can be refrigerated in containers at about 45 degrees Fahrenheit for up to 35 days.
Tapeworms are flat segmented worms that live in the intestines of some animals.
Their appearances are that of basic invertebrates such as flat worms, mollusks, and cnidaria.