The battlefield consisted of an even plain stretching between two low, flat ridges, which were about 2 miles apart and 20 to 30 feet in height.
The summit is a broad flat ridge, with the highest point at the southern end, some 2 km south of a trig point.
Slowly, Alucius stood and surveyed the flat ridge before him.
The heat did not come from the sun, but from that broken cut in the earth, from the reflectors of flat ridges.
The topography of Taum Sauk is that of a somewhat flat ridge rather than a peak.
Stem bark is thin, gray or dark brown, with broad, flat ridges.
This region is characterized by broad flat ridges with deep narrow valleys.
The shell has numerous, rather flat, granular ridges of varying height.
The summit of the mountain is a broad, flat north-south ridge with two cairned points 200 metres apart.
The clavicles are flat ridges along whole course of shoulders.