"I don't know," said Vinsint, rubbing his large, flat forehead.
Smooth, flat foreheads, stunted ears, very little hair- they had almost no distinguishing characteristics whatsoever.
The head a straight or slightly concave facial profile, a flat forehead, and wide, short ears.
Then there was the large mouth and nose that almost covered the man's face and the tiny, close-set eyes and the flat forehead.
He can see only from his left eye, not the one on the right or the one in the center of his large, flat forehead.
Her hair was chestnut brown, cut shoulder length, flipped at the ends, and trimmed to feathery bangs covering a high, flat forehead.
Long, lean faces, great wide flat foreheads above, skulls strangely squared, more box-like than man's rounded skull.
Stargazers have a flat forehead with a lot of body mass up front near the mouth.
And, finally, had offered this: "I have a bunch of guys with flat foreheads.
If we can get out flat foreheads against their pointy little chins, we've got a chance.