When the fiscal crisis struck in 1975, survival became the first priority, followed later by improvisation and a less flashy version of innovation called productivity.
Lotus has already demonstrated a flashy version of 1-2-3 for the OS/2 Presentation Manager operating system, which on the surface is much like Windows.
Since the days of Pele, it has prided itself on grooming the world's best players and playing the most inventive and flashy version of the game.
It is available in 10 grown-up-oriented designs, including houndstooth, several colors of wide-wale corduroy and a flashy pink-stripe version that is probably the most popular.
But the flashier versions are limited to certain multimedia phones and require a monthly fee.
Offenbach's "Tales of Hoffmann" returns today in the Met's flashy but agreeable version.
Chic shoppers are even making their own inside additions, requesting custom linings or replacing old ones with flashier versions.
She probably represents the time period better than some flashier versions have, and her subdued early scenes make her anguished screams at the end downright scary.
The Britons did a flashier Sovietized version and were more exciting; both are dancers to watch in the future.
Offenbach's "Tales of Hoffmann" has returned in the Met's flashy but agreeable version.