Heralded as a "Paradise Under the Stars", the Tropicana became known for its showgirls, conga sounds, domino tournaments and flashy, spectacular productions.
And despite some flashy productions, an excellent theater for opera and bedazzling prospects, the Los Angeles company is still No. 2.
They often write gospel-inflected melodies, and place those melodies amid dance beats and flashy production.
A freshly sharpened cleaver is the weapon of choice in Edward Hall's flashy, eminently accessible production, which presents 15th-century England as a slaughterhouse doing big business.
But its low-key affect and decidedly human scale endow "Once" with an easy, lovable charm that a flashier production could never have achieved.
There's no showing off with vocal acrobatics or flashy production, just a premium on the melody and the mood.
The two first sang these roles together in a flashy production in Houston last season.
She continued to say she wanted her upcoming trek to be a big flashy production, with a party theme.
The critics had mixed reactions to the "flashy" 1959 production which included mid western accents and rock-and roll drumbeats but gave Robeson primarily good reviews.
And it has created a flashy production to match.