She has more complicated ideas, although high middle brow seems to be the limit, with a decided weakness for flashy effects.
Visually the game looks great, with super smooth animations and loads of flashy effects.
The direction is a series of flashy, meaningless effects.
Nicole's does not go in for big, flashy effects.
This is a flashy visual effect, but it's also one that piercingly captures the man's state of mind.
He said Revenge has weak plot development and had an over-reliance on "flashy effects".
The company recently introduced a metallic "two-color" paint with a very flashy effect.
They perform in front of the crowd of fans with flashy light effects during the distortion part.
In one sequence after another, you can sense that the story is being compressed to make room for increasingly flashy special effects.
"If it's a bomb, they'll want to maximize the flashy visual effects, while minimizing real human casualties."