To obscene gestures flashed repeatedly from one balcony, he returned only a broad grin and a wave.
A tense minute elapsed while the small display on Zweller's tricorder repeatedly flashed a single word: working.
Blue-white lightning flashed repeatedly in the distance as thunder rumbled.
Local news channels repeatedly flashed snippets of the movie: he leaning toward her, their lips coming closer, she letting out a heavy sigh.
The car's brake lights were flashing repeatedly.
His scimitars flashed repeatedly, cutting loose the harness, saving the team.
Television stations tonight repeatedly flashed "winner" under portraits of the silver-haired 54-year-old novelist.
By the side of the road, a portable electronic sign blinked on and off, repeatedly flashing a warning message in Czech.
The wing tip lights came on, brilliant strobes flashing repeatedly.
The amplifier seemed to respond obediently to the question, developing the theme further: as though in answer, 2 images now appeared, flashing repeatedly before him.