I expected the miniature scandal to flare and fade quickly, but for a while it seemed as if it would never go away.
By all accounts the angry reaction of the crowd was spontaneous and the violence flared extraordinarily quickly.
Babies who are startled will quickly flare both arms and legs out and then pull them in.
Resentment of Japan remains deep in China and commercial disputes between the two countries can quickly flare into nationalistic bickering.
In a TIA, stroke symptoms flare up and quickly fade.
Debate quickly flared over President Clinton's proposed economic stimulus.
Infection can flare quickly in this climate.
Directly ahead, right on the dark horizon, a bright flash of light could be seen, followed by an arc of light that flared quickly, then disappeared.
It quickly flared into a idea, then a plan, and she smiled, the first genuine smile of the day.
His emotions flare quickly out of control, and he runs away from the Shaolin Temple.