Upon the ground to one side of her sat a small gilt birdcage, its-lower portion swathed in a flannel cloth, the dome left open to expose its flitting bright-yellow occupant.
His compound at this time consisted of India rubber, lampblack, and magnesia, the whole dissolved in turpentine and spread upon the flannel cloth which served as the lining for the shoes.
Now, I'll undress Minnie May and put her to bed and you try to find some soft flannel cloths, Diana.
I am not going out there and taunting this huffy 300-pound animal, not with this fake wooden sword and swath of red flannel cloth.
But the feedback from an electric cavaquinho - even with flannel cloth stuffed inside - was so unbearable that he decided to create a solid-body instrument.
Now let's put this feller out the way..." He wrapped the tin in a flannel cloth to stifle the incessant buzzing and droning, and stowed it away under his bunk.
Dry with a soft flannel cloth or chamois.
City health officials plan to search for the disease-infected arachnids in Bronx parks by dragging light-colored pieces of flannel cloth through the brush.
To keep the coat clean and shiny, owners can do that by simply taking their Asian, and stroking it, while rubbing it with using either a flannel cloth, glove or chamois.
Alan Flusser, a champion of traditional tweeds, offers some suave city options, including a discreet glen-plaid on a lightweight flannel cloth.