Conducting a right flanking attack, the Australians suffered a number of casualties as they moved across the open ground.
One team would provide covering fire while the other would use the blind spots to launch a flanking attack.
The purpose of this flanking attack was not just to drive the German forces from the hill, but also to stabilise the local situation.
He had gained some lead, but now the dragon was winging around, making for him in a flanking attack.
Four were to be used, under command of Brigade B, for the flanking attack from the north.
A flanking attack from the rear finally allowed the Germans to achieve a foothold in that area of the city.
Opposing tank units were often required to make a flanking attack in order to knock out a Tiger.
Abraham had directed an effective flanking attack on the intrusion.
However the 27th found that the Japanese had withdrawn, thus negating the 161st flanking attack.
The left flank of the Russian position was therefore ripe for a flanking attack.