But the voice could be relied upon, for the god delivered a consistent message; and now as the patriarch sought him among the trees, El-Shaddai did not take refuge in burning bushes or flaming rocks.
Three or four larger flaming rocks crashed down on Sirena's deck, a couple on ours.
Huge flaming rocks streaked from the sky.
She glanced up just as the ceiling broke open and flaming rock poured down upon her.
The mountains beyond Ista steam and spout flaming rock.
So on he went, though the sun blazed down on the flaming rocks in a torment and the earth turned to hot brass beneath the stallion's feet.
The flaming rocks blossomed until they were beyond number.
Bloody Masema's as bad as the bloody Whitecloaks when it comes to finding a Darkfriend under every flaming rock.
Except now it was coated with molten, flaming rock, an object of unearthly beauty, no longer recognizable as a part of him.
A fiery fountain erupted directly below them, spewing flaming rocks and stringy clots of lava upward.