High above the town, hanging in black space like an uncooled planet, the flame of Wyatt's Torch was twisting in the wind.
Lennox added fuel to the fire and the flames leapt and twisted.
Over kilometers of darkened cityscape the flame of the Sun Temple twisted, lashing the sky.
As the tumbling flames rose and twisted in the air, des- troying the shed and all within, Sir Trevor stood very erect and smiled grimly.
The flame probed and twisted, as if searching, but all it could find was the harp, lying now on green grass.
Yellow-blue flames and greasy black smoke twisted into the night sky.
I turned off the lamp and watched the flames lick and twist among the logs.
He led her to the fireplace in which tall yellow flames leaped and twisted.
It arose from a number of stone pots spaced like braziers around the wide floor; and flames danced and twisted at their rims.
A long flame twisted and bent under the gale, on the summit of the old tower.