The flame tore a huge gouge in the mound's side, instantly igniting the fresh timber Moander had recently accumulated.
Soleta kept on going even as flame tore through the facility below and debris rained down from on high.
The flames ripped and tore through the building like an enraged tiger loosed from its tormentors.
By 2am flames were tearing through the roof and the interior glowed like a furnace.
The flames tore at his flesh, rent his black essence.
The flames tore through Ghostron's body, engulfing it in a mighty explosion and sending what was left of it raining across the island.
The Weatherby whiplashed, and flame and thunder tore across the clearing.
The pipes belched flame and clouds of dirty-white smoke and the ship tore away at incredible speed.
As Humperman's exposed flesh burned away, bright yellow and orange flames tore through what remained of her armor, filling it with light.
The brush caught ablaze, and flames tore through the wilderness ahead of a stiff, hot wind.