I followed it down to its source, and saw far below us the other shuttle spinning out of control, flames streaking out of its aft section.
He'd meet it head on, give the Sea Cats and the Bofors their only chance ... He watched the yellow and crimson flames streaking nearer and nearer through the fog, heard the Bofors banging away, smelt the fumes from the Sea Cats.
This was the old, the familiar, the loved sight of reddish billows rising to steel rafters, of sparks shooting in sunbursts from invisible sources, of sudden flames streaking through a black fog, of sand molds glowing with white metal.
Soon, it was no more than a ball of flames streaking toward the surface like a meteor that ultimately scattered into a shower of flaming debris and extinguished harmlessly before it hit the surface.
A last few rockets pursued them, their flames streaking wildly askew across the stars.
He said that he saw what appeared to be a flame streaking in the sky and an explosion, but that he never saw a plane.
He glanced out of his left window and noticed a flame streaking across the sky.
The earlier work showed a flame streaking across a stark black background.
Maestro Bernstein jumped off the podium to greet her, saw this flame streaking across the stage toward him, and was visibly shocked - he looked so tiny in comparison.
I squinted into blinding torchlight, flames streaking my vision.