Racine stepped through the opening and waved her torch in the air so that the flame crackled and snapped.
She stirred the fire and grilled them, making a quick salad of tomatoes, cucumber, and onions as the flames snapped and crackled.
The flames snapped loud now that the music was ended.
The flames danced and snapped as she watched.
And if a fire was started by anyone outside the house, he'd attempt to make the flames snap back at and burn the fingers that had ignited them.
The flame above them snapped away and they felt a tremendous surge of power from beneath them, pushing the ship straight up through its length, jamming them into their seats.
The flame snapped twigs like small bones in front of him.
The flames writhed and snapped in the block.
A few meters ahead of him, small flames snapped avidly at freshly splintered wood, illuminating ruin.
The flame snapped and sizzled.