A crackling fire roared in the massive hearth, and the flames shone on the ranks of black stone columns which marched the entire length of the hall.
A.: Although in recent years the torch has been illuminated each night, the symbolic flames of liberty have not always shone so consistently.
Two bright artistic flames shine out of the long smoky halls of Ozieri's history.
The flames shone in polished brass and threw flickering shadows across three Buddha statues on a dais.
Ser Mandon Moore took the place to his right, flames shimmering against the white enamel of his armor, his dead eyes shining passionlessly through his helm.
Its predominantly red flame winked and shone at him as he turned it this way and that.
A large sycamore shaded the front yard, and a bonfire had been built up just beyond its spread, so that the flames shone on autumn-gold leaves and bone-white branches.
Then the flames shone silver on its surface.
The Wildrunner looked up the hill to where the dragon's corpse lay, to where the bright flames of fire shone not so far away.
The orange and yellow flames shone against the pale green water.