Now secondary sources of light were starting up, like flames ignited by flying sparks.
People were fiddling while Rome and especially Berlin burst into flames, ignited by the inequities of the Treaty of Versailles, but a few of their tunes were of lasting value.
The flame ignited in Tunisia will not be dimmed," he added.
As the magical glow spread and touched the rats, they burst into flames, ignited by the mystical energy unleashed from the runes.
As Daniel came closer, he saw the look on the Latam chief's face and a flame ignited in his belly.
WHEN the Brooklyn pizza joint went up in flames ignited by racial friction in "Do the Right Thing," did this mean movies are telling the world the wrong thing about New York?
When the man hit the ground, a flame ignited in his upturned sticklike hand, lighting his thin face and mass of wavy white hair sticking out in disarray.
Despite the lack of any fire from the torch the ceremonial flame still ignited.
Incidentally, all of the flames ignited during takes instead of being edited in later, an event that rarely happens in television production.
The methane in the garbage exploded into flame, ignited by cooking fires or broken electric lines.