I tell you, it was... the flames just blew that whole airlock out!
The torch's flame blew back, flaring and smoking in the warm aromatic wind that strengthened from unknown depths.
The flame in her voice is warm, not hot, and easily blown by emotional circumstances.
The flames of resistance, the lesson seems to be, can blow in unpredictable directions (Cotter).
The flames blew into tents and across the spare dry grass.
The flames blew out of the fuselage into the fuel plume.
She remembered that Chris had once said that this dust was explosive, that a flame would blow the building apart.
No flames or explosion blew from this dead T-34.
The flame of Jupiter's candle was blowing strongly outward.
Damien focused the power of his mind on the hearth, and the flames blew higher, roaring and snapping like a torch.