Glenn McCarthy, whose flamboyant career helped define the Texas oilman to the world, died Monday at a Houston nursing home.
Mr. Steinbrenner resumed his flamboyant career in the team's day-to-day operation in 1993.
Thompson, who had been in failing health, shot himself at his home on Feb. 20 after a long and flamboyant writing career.
Long's flamboyant and seemingly endless career made it difficult and therefore time-consuming to research and write the book that Peoples had in mind.
Mr. LeRoy's friends say that it is a miracle he is simply alive, let alone enjoying a flamboyant literary career.
She was the éminence grise behind his flamboyant career.
In 1952, Tsuji was elected to the Diet and began a flamboyant career in politics, until his mysterious disappearance in 1961 during travel in Southeast Asia.
Add his flamboyant career in gambling, which Mr. Chow says has made him an easy mark for law enforcement.
Willie Merrilees was Scotland's best known policeman thanks to a flamboyant career involving disguise, celebrated court cases, and tireless charity and welfare work.
In what remains one of the most touching and compassionate statements of his flamboyant career, The Doc told waiting newsmen 'I've been punished for falling in love.