It got a big lift after another flagrant case of abuse a decade ago, but then the public lost interest and its budget was cut.
While flagrant cases of fraud and waste make headlines, concerns go beyond outright wrongdoing.
Still, even critics acknowledge that the law will enable investigators to catch the most flagrant cases of money laundering.
Faced with more prostitution than they can stop, the police crack down on flagrant cases when neighbors complain.
The Justice Department still investigates airlines for antitrust violations in the more flagrant cases.
He also opposes a bill that will make even the most flagrant cases of racial profiling a crime.
County officials say that in the most flagrant cases, housing is the least of the family's problems.
It had been, it appeared, a very flagrant case.
I have long known how easily I overlook flaws in my own reasoning, and this is a flagrant case.
There are many flagrant cases of violations of human rights in Latin America.