By two and three the flags blew free to lash the laughing air: -- "We have sold our spars to the merchantman - we know that his price is fair."
Either the wind at the top of the building differed from the wind below-or the flag was blowing into the wind.
The flags blew between them so that she couldn't see his face.
The Pakistani flag blew in the summer wind and a band played the Pakistani anthem.
His mother, Iola Latman, was handed that flag after police buglers blew a mournful "America the Beautiful."
Their blood-red flags blew in the black wind of the icy night.
"The flags were blowing so loud, it sounded like someone shooting a gun out there," Love said before he left the course.
At the rear, a flag is blowing with the double eagle.
Sometimes the direction at the bottom is totally different from the way the flags are blowing.
The flags blew in the breeze side by side.