It had been scrubbed up and painted red, cushions and plates put in, and two American flags adorned the roof.
A homemade flag adorned a picket fence in Londonderry.
Spotlights and colorful flags adorn the stage and create a festive atmosphere.
The flags adorned the walls of Tarleton descendants' homes for more than a century, he said, and were never publicly displayed.
The Irish national flag adorned the shop window.
The Greek flag no longer adorned the night sky: piercing stars shone down from a jet backdrop.
Tattered flags, banners, and hurried poems written in the blood of the heroes of the war adorned the walls, all of them carefully annotated.
Quaint but irritating: Precious French flags adorn every spare patch of grass.
Bright-colored flags adorned many monuments, leftovers no doubt from Veterans Day.
An American flag adorned one wall of the auditorium; the Ukrainian flag hung from another.