Even now it appeared embedded in the flabby skin and refused to slide over the knuckle.
The fire-roasted chicken had limp, flabby skin, and the meatloaf was dry.
Barbecued duck was tough with flabby skin, and the vegetable platter was uninspired.
The man swallowed hard, the action causing his flabby skin to press on the knife point.
He had been crawling on the ground close to Longtusk's feet, and his flabby skin was coated with something dark and pungent.
The flabby skin under his chin swung from side to side.
The term is not a medical one, but rather a catchall way of identifying flabby, dimpled skin on the thighs and buttocks.
His face grew odder, the flabby skin beneath his eyes darkening to a deeper gray.
Less judicious choices were the roast young chicken (with a pale, flabby skin) and roast pheasant.
The huge fat man whose white flabby skin represented all that was evil, the man in black representing the forces of good, the white hope.