The gold standard, based on paper notes that are normally freely convertible into fixed quantities of gold, was the most common form of representative money.
Again this is regarded as random because of the random selection of pupils within the school, even though it is a fixed quantity for any given pupil.
And, like any other fixed quantity, it could only be concentrated or increased at the cost of a diminution elsewhere.
One such reference system is a fixed quantity of gas.
To a lesser extent, some strategy games give players a fixed quantity of units at the start of the game.
Under the firm-sale agreements Waterstones started making with publishers in April, it buys fixed quantities of books with no returns option.
It is against the background of this more or less fixed quantity that we can best see the shape and colour of the present intensely self-conscious and all-questioning generation.
A fixed quantity of material is placed in an aluminum blasting cap shell, and pressed into place with an aluminum plug.
An individual's thirst provides a better guide for how much water they require rather than a specific, fixed quantity.
It's a fixed quantity, even if we're not.