The main purported symptom of Morgellons is "a fixed belief" that fibers are embedded in or extruding from the skin.
The technique exposes and alters the power of language to lock in fixed beliefs and attitudes, "freeing" words and concepts to associate in new ways.
Life with an open mind and no fixed beliefs is infinitely more fulfilling than a lifetime believing in myths and fairy tales and talking to an invisible friend in the sky.
However J.P. Kenyon, in his classic study of the Plot, concludes that Tonge truly believed Oates' lies, because they confirmed his own fixed belief in a Jesuit conspiracy.
Now they're a party of no fixed beliefs and about to elect a leader with straight down-the-line New Labour credentials.
It was his fixed belief that, because be did not get fat, he was as thin as a starved rat.
In his 2006 book The God Delusion, Dawkins contends that a supernatural creator almost certainly does not exist and that religious faith is a delusion-"a fixed false belief".
Into full-blown, florid, paranoid delusions about a vast conspiratorial organization with no fixed beliefs and no actual membership but somehow a titanic enemy of society, to be hunted out and destroyed wherever found.
Courts have defined it as a "fixed false belief without hypothesis, having no foundation in reality."
Tip never lost his fixed belief in government as a curer of social ills: he was "an absolute, unrepentant, unreconstructed New Deal Democrat."