In 1933, county supervisors gained authority to fix salaries for all county officers other than themselves.
Dudley and Shute, as well as later governors, engaged in fruitless attempts to convince the general court to fix salaries for crown-appointed officials.
Because the Edict also set limits on wages, those who had fixed salaries (especially soldiers) found that their money was increasingly worthless as the artificial prices did not reflect actual costs.
Senator Connors said he planned to collect information on police chiefs' salaries to make the case that the power to fix salaries should be restored to municipal officials.
In May 1938 he joined a delegation pressing for a Whitley Council for nurses, to fix minimum salaries and maximum hours.
It establishes the Remuneration Authority to fix salaries and allowances for MPs, and includes provisions for the7 Speaker of House of Representatives and Chairpersons of Committees.
The trustees received the authority to fix salaries for senior university officials from the State Legislature last summer after years of complaints that SUNY had been hobbled by overly tight state supervision.
The players object to the idea because the system would fix salaries for players in their first six years in the majors and create salary caps that could affect free agents.
Labor Minister Jorge Triacca told a radio interviewer that price increases approved in the Government's agreement with businesses would guide wage bargaining sessions aimed at fixing salaries until Sept. 30.
Aside from the withdrawal of the billion-dollar guarantee, the owners are believed to have proposed fixing salaries.