Seems some of them had started a mercenaries' union to fix rates, and some liked the idea and some didn't.
Kelvin thought that if he had been a mercenary he would have wanted a union to fix rates.
By law, the banks had to report their rates to monetary authorities and could fix rates within two points of the announced rate.
For instance, the loans usually require down payments of 30 percent, and most amortize over 20 years and have fixed rates.
Congress rejected proposals for a tariff board to scientifically fix rates, but did set up a study commission.
The Act required that railroad rates be "reasonable and just," but did not empower the government to fix specific rates.
I Bonds issued in the 1990's, by contrast, had fixed rates that were higher than their variable rates at the time.
But unlike bonds, which mostly have fixed rates, the loans have a variable rate that will rise with market interest rates.
Hybrids, which usually have fixed rates for 5, 7 or 10 years, are technically adjustable loans.
The purpose of the new law was to regulate the railroad combinations, those lines which got together to fix rates among themselves.