The crew members all live in the Bronx and fix potholes here exclusively.
If you just want to vote to fix potholes, you could have stayed home.
Once governor of the entire state, Brown now seeks to fix potholes.
"And people in our community said, 'We would rather have you spending money to fix potholes.' "
I was shocked that in a $30 billion budget we would have no money to fix potholes.
He goes directly to the people in his so-called Community Council meetings, promising to fix potholes and improve schools.
When councils don't fix potentially lethal potholes, should they signpost them instead?
They were always fixing potholes in the streets, but never quite fixing them well enough.
And the transit agency needed money to fix potholes that appeared on the older roads.
"Are you going to tell me that fixing children is less important then fixing potholes?"