The return to the open auction system in 1946 saw the start of a dramatic five-year run for wool.
It had an impressive five-year run through the late 1950s.
Now, short skirts have had a five-year run, and many designers believe it is time for a change.
"The five-year run we've had is going to end, but we'll keep making money."
During the program's five-year run he wrote and directed numerous episodes.
This convention was quickly dropped, although he remained the show's main character throughout its five-year run.
She remained with the series for its entire five-year run.
But most experts think the housing market's five-year run still has a way to go before it peters out.
He enjoyed a five-year run before leaving again in 1991.
He stayed with the series during its entire five-year run (1964-1969).