In January, it increased its 10-year estimate of productivity growth to 2.7 percent a year from 2.2 percent based on the rapid five-year growth in the late 1990's.
Under McCredie the organization doubled the size of its Board of Directors, increased its advertising program and undertook an ambitious five-year growth and development plan.
In its five-year (2012-17) future growth prospective, IKCO envisions an annual manufacturing capacity of three million units, with exports of a million units per year.
In 2006, Ottawa experienced an increase of 40,000 jobs over 2001 with a five-year average growth that was relative slower than in the late 1990s.
He starts by using a computer to select American companies with market capitalizations of more than $3 billion whose five-year growth in revenue, earnings per share and operating income all exceed the average of the Standard & Poor's 500-stock index.
In 2010, it was named the fastest growing technology company in the Deloitte FAST 50 contest in the Czech Republic with five-year growth of 1781%.
Despite a five-year growth in the numbers of students attending government schools, the number of Victorian government schools fell to 1,592 in 2007, down from 1,605 in 2006 and 1,613 in 2005.
As a result, security analysts' projected five-year growth of earnings for technology companies now stands nearly double that for the remaining S.& P. 500 firms.