By coming here, the cricketers accepted an automatic five-year ban from approved international competition.
Among them was a five-year ban on benefits to immigrants after they enter the country.
He said her business representatives wanted a five-year ban on strikes and a 50-cent hourly wage for the same period.
The decision would end a five-year ban on imports of gold coins, iron and steel.
A five-year ban would apply for employees who sought to lobby the departments that had employed them.
His nomination is controversial because the transitional government announced a five-year ban on political activities for former leaders following the coup.
Another five-year ban confined him to a fifteen-mile radius of his home.
Nor was the Big Brother five-year ban on liquor in the new shops.
A reformist journalist was sentenced today to 23 months in prison and a five-year ban from public life, including journalism.
During the five-year ban, the world could overhaul the rules governing the transfer of nuclear technology and material, he added.