The series follows a group of ladettes, who are given an old-fashioned five-week course in learning how to behave like a traditional "lady".
He is now nearing the end of a five-week course of radiation.
It is the third weekly session of a five-week course.
Enough material was provided for a five-week course for three age levels (kindergarten, primary, and junior).
Nearly 100 women have graduated from his classes since 1985, and 50 are now taking his 10-hour, five-week course.
Yesterday, the last day of the five-week course, the children performed for their parents in the Wheatleys' backyard.
She just completed a five-week course called Resource Management.
The first week of the five-week course is an indoctrination week.
The standard daily five-week course gives lower doses.
Half the group received the three-week course of radiation, and half the five-week course.