Miami, at 2-4, is within whispering distance in the five-team division.
This year, however, was a different story: despite amassing the highest payroll in baseball history, the Orioles finished fourth in a five-team division.
They are the only club in the five-team division with a losing record and the only one without a victory over a divisional rival.
Rather than having two divisions of seven and eight teams in each conference when the Bobcats join, the league opted for six five-team divisions.
The league has been realigned into six five-team divisions as the expansion Charlotte Bobcats begin play.
The league had two five-team divisions, each team playing an unwieldy 11-game schedule, with some teams playing more home games than others.
Meanwhile, the Giants insured that they will finish fourth in their five-team division.
A team in a five-team division will play 52 games within its division (or 32 percent) and 110 outside it.
The league now divided itself into two five-team divisions.
The league continued as a five-team division from 2006 until 2010.