It was removed when a five-story free-standing tower, which is now part of the museum complex, was built in 1944 about 800 feet from the hangar.
The backpack containing the bomb was found not far from the right wing of the pavilion, close to a five-story tower that provides lighting and sound.
The five-story tower dominated the courtyard, the gallows to one side, the bloodstained crosses to the other.
Situated between the main campus and the technology building is a five-story ceramic tower covered in tiles called the "totem pole".
There are seven bedrooms, five baths, a five-story tower, four porches and two parlors.
The rear three-story porch and five-story elliptical central tower are especially distinctive.
It has an ornately carved five-story tower or gopuram in the Dravidian architecture style at the main entrance.
The choir, which was built around 1160, with a round, three-story apse flanked on both sides by a five-story tower.
Architecturally the L plan castle consists of a well-preserved five-story tower with an adjoining great hall and supporting buildings.
The middle section is a five-story tower with a spire at the very top.