It was 1.30 in the morning, they gave everyone a five-minute warning to evacuate, then started arresting people, smashing tents.
When the five-minute warning sounds, the doomed criminals frantically try to speed away, realizing it is hopeless.
Stepping to the lectern after the White House gave reporters a five-minute warning that a major announcement was coming, he seemed almost nonchalant about the operation.
A parent, teacher or sponsor will give each team a five-minute warning, letting the teams know they have five minutes left before they present.
Traders were given a five-minute warning about the early closing, which analysts said spurred a wave of buying by traders seeking to square their positions.
The five-minute warning sounded.
Just before lunch, Ms. Burgess begins giving the five-minute warning, but the children don't stop asking questions.
They said Ms. Reno gave the relatives a final five-minute warning before the operation began.
Slade heaved a sigh of relief and heard the hooter blaring its five-minute warning.
"I think that's the five-minute warning," Troy said.