Classes start June 8 with a five-day workshop on miniature tapestries.
The cost for five-day workshops is $630 and for weekends, $325, which includes meals and shared rooms.
Architecture students and professionals are invited to join a five-day residential workshop all about disasters and the role of the built environment professional'.
A five-day workshop for new teachers, on classroom management and teaching techniques, was held before the start of the school year.
But some asbestos experts have questioned how well prepared inspectors certified in a five-day workshop could be.
The center also offers three- to five-day workshops in crafts, music and dance ($10 to $15 a day).
This organization offers dozens of five-day workshops through the winter taught by visiting professional artists from around the country, costing $375 to $500.
The noted modern-dance choreographer will open up the final hour of his five-day workshop with professional dancers in a free public showing.
These are followed by four five-day workshops focusing on particular topics related to the overall theme of the program.
The five-day workshops are $150 each.