It was a five-day trip to Malaysia, where they were turned away by soldiers with rifles.
Besides getting dressed, Blow is packing for her five-day trip.
There are one- and five-day trips available this summer.
This 56-year-old operation offers a series of five-day trips for children to resort hotels where they can take part in summer sports.
The next experience was on a five-day trip to Berlin a few weeks ago.
A five-day trip is priced at $2,530 per person.
On the night of 20 January 1965, we were told to prepare to leave on a five-day trip to a new camp.
The lawmakers spoke at a news conference after a five-day trip to Moscow.
Nonetheless we didn't see a single other tourist during our five-day trip.
He ventured into Africa along with four young activists, and kept a journal of his five-day trip.