The new five-CD set includes a live disc that features 10 songs from a previously unreleased concert in Shreveport, Louisiana, in front of an audience of 7,000.
The next day Verve will issue "The Complete Bud Powell," a five-CD set of material much of which is stunning.
Eighty-nine of Broadside's sharpest songs were released on a five-CD set issued by Smithsonian/Folkways Recordings.
The five-album and five-cassette sets are $49.90 each; the five-CD set is $55.
His 11th album and a pair of five-CD boxed sets were released this year on a small independent label, available from (800) 774-6323 (the letters PrimeCD).
And the Kirov and Mr. Gergiev have now recorded both versions of "Boris" side by side in a five-CD set from Philips.
More than 80 have been broadcast on NPR, and many have been collected in a book and a five-CD set.
Deutsche Grammophon has just released an attractive five-CD set, "Leonard Bernstein: The 1953 American Decca Recordings."
Arte Nova Classics has a user-friendly solution: a five-CD set including every Baroque concerto or cantata even vaguely in contact with the word "Christmas."
A crash course is also available, with Polygram Brazil's five-CD boxed set of the early albums called "Tropicalia 30 Anos."