In Volume 1, the young brothers live through the Cultural Revolution, a fitting subject for Mr. Yu's black humor.
And isn't modernism partly about the elevation of the everyday or 'trivial' as a fitting subject for art?
It's not a fitting subject for knights.
This is the deeper reason why hair is the cause of such drama, and why it is a fitting subject for soap opera.
I soon found him of weak intellect, and, of course, marked him as a fitting subject for my skill.
They are works of imagination, making her a fitting subject for Fullerton-Batten, whose photographs often entail staging fantasies and simulating daydreams.
If this be so, what could be a more fitting subject than primeval monsters whose strength was such as to allow a survival of thousands of years?
The School has gradually developed more elaborate ways of fitting subjects into the time-table.
Adolescence is a fitting subject for Flanagan, who over the years has developed something of a middle-school persona as a critic and essayist.
If athletes have traditionally been seen as fitting subjects for any sort of visual representation, it has been by illustrators and photojournalists.