By way of an answer, I will release my recertification and fitness scores to you.
This fitness score is compared to the predicted fitness for each single mutant, resulting in a genetic interaction score.
The rules are tested against a set of known texts and each rule is given a fitness score.
Each representation is evaluated for its aesthetic value and given a fitness score.
These offspring will then be added to the population and will also be evaluated and given a fitness score.
Artificial organisms' fitness score is determined by how well they achieve their fitness goal within their evaluation time.
When I arrived, the physical fitness scores were down at about the 20th percentile nationally.
That helped give me a fitness score of "excellent"; the average VO2 peak for someone my age, 32, is in the mid-30s.
The fitness scores of these individual magic squares are calculated based on the degree of deviation in the sums of the rows, columns, and diagonals.
Those squares with a higher fitness score are more likely to reproduce.