All the same, he was also portrayed as a by-the-book, cautious pilot, and a serious fitness nut.
Allen, a fitness nut, was once photographed in pinstripe suit windsurfing down the Thames to get to work during a transport strike.
Amazingly, the admiral was a master at juggling five ladies at the same time, one of the reasons he was a fitness nut.
This was the first time he'd realized that Dr. Strauss was a bit more than just another fitness nut.
At 6 feet 2 and 195 pounds, he calls himself a "fitness nut" and runs, plays racquetball and rides a bicycle.
The local official was a physical fitness nut like I am.
Miranda was no natural athlete, no fitness nut.
Miles wasn't a fitness nut, but he enjoyed the results of staying in shape - women, lots of women.
Dennis was a fitness nut.
He is also a self-proclaimed fitness nut, an advocate of clean living in general, and a wonderful theatre director.