In the 1990s, pole dancing commenced to be taught as an art and use in fitness exercises.
LLW activities include an annual three-day wellness seminar for all employees, learning sessions, fitness exercises and team-building activities.
The training usually includes basic firemen skills (how to handle the personal gear, first aid, fire engine operation) and possibly fitness exercises.
Just few meters away from plaza paloma, is a brick floored paseo that is a perfect place for people who are fond of doing fitness exercises.
In the West, yoga has become associated with the asanas (postures) of Hatha Yoga, popular as fitness exercises.
The university provides lessons in the philosophy of yogasanas and physical fitness exercises.
It's as much a part of fitness as a physical fitness exercise.
These courses include elements of calisthenics, sport (soccer, basketball, volleyball and swimming) and fitness exercises.
Nancy Hennefer, the physical-education teacher, has coed groups engage in organized free play, starting with 10 minutes of fitness exercises.
He regained his strength, however, by physical fitness exercises.