So perhaps the chief motivation for building a lap pool is for its fitness benefits.
Nordic cross skating popularity is growing because of the range of fitness benefits.
Swimming has many health and fitness benefits and is something that the whole family can enjoy.
If an allele provides a fitness benefit, its frequency will increase within a population - selection is directional or positive.
Points are awarded based on the estimated fitness benefit of each activity.
B252, 59-64; 1993) demonstrate a direct link between a mammalian discriminatory ability and a fitness benefit.
Two types of fitness benefits (direct and indirect) are thought to drive the evolutionary mechanisms of mate choice.
In the broadest sense, dispersal occurs when the fitness benefits of moving outweigh the costs.
Threshold training also gets your body accustomed to exercising harder - allowing you to get the same fitness benefits in less time.
The study found there was no fitness benefit to wearing rocker sole shoes.