He suffers several fitful dreams, but after a few weeks, appears to have completely recovered.
Sometimes it seemed that the whole of existence was but a dark and fitful dream.
He lay in fitful dreams of red glowing eyes chasing him down endless black corridors, terror washing over him.
The trains time her life, crashing through fitful dreams at night, slackening off in the early hours.
Deprived of sleep for days, Marla drifted off to slumber while she sat in the chair, and a fitful dream overtook her mind.
It had taken her hours to doze off again last night, and then her fitful dreams had kept her restless.
It seemed that for hours he was haunted with the same fitful dream.
Their screaming ran through his fitful dreams in the snow.
Then he drifted off into his own fitful dreams.
"His whole life, he had fitful dreams," John Hoyt said.