To make a real location fit the director's vision, crews may refit light fixtures or replace window treatments.
Some of the Argus assets were already troubled, and others did not fit Black's long-term vision.
Collins opposed the profanity in the script, as the vulgar language did not fit his vision of the 1930s.
The studies that concern me and fit my overall global vision - they're Islamic studies.
Most of those subdivisions contain too many people to fit Jefferson's vision.
Memorial Stadium did not fit the university's vision.
This is the time that is set aside where the film editor's first cut is molded to fit the director's vision.
However, the houses illustrate Wright's burgeoning individuality as he adapted the styles to fit his own vision.
O'Hara isn't likely to shake up his staff or stir up much to fit his personal vision.
Bones did not fit his pristine, cold-metal vision of Balthakazar in its prime.