Anyway, these lads dived down together, but as they were coming back up, the middle one got his leg caught in fishing wire.
To make a scene where the macri enters a jacket, Wilson used fishing wire to move a sleeve slightly.
A flying carpet suspended on a grid of clear fishing wire can be the best way to enjoy that colorful kilim.
She cut a pattern, and I stitched it up with transparent fishing wire.
The strings are made of fishing wire or bicycle brake wire.
Hung from the ceiling on fishing wire, they descend in a long line toward an imaginary target.
The strings are made of silk, nylon or fishing wire.
It gave way, and out spilled bits of fishing wire, lighters, greasy old garage receipts, all sorts.
The tripping was provided by fishing wire that extended to an enormous multijoined aluminum arm rotating on the ceiling.
Paper airplanes, or something like them, dangle upside down from fishing wire.