A fishing sloop would be delayed back to port until a new mast could be stepped.
In due time we returned to Jehu, at which place we spent one month in fixing up and overhauling our little fishing sloop.
But there was no sign of my father or of our little fishing sloop.
I arrived at dusk on a fishing sloop from Aruba.
They call themselves Maag sea-captains, but their boats are nothing more than old fishing sloops, and the men who make up the crew don't know the first thing about fighting.
There he rather carefully examined several fishing sloops to get a general idea of how they were constructed.
It's a Trogite fishing sloop.
I think it's what they call a fishing sloop, Rabbit,' Sorgan replied.
From his office window, Cartagena's attractions were easily visible: sunny skies, fishing sloops, tropical fruit vendors and weather-beaten Spanish walls.
This settlement is home to a boat-building yard where South Andros' fishing sloops are constructed and the most scenic beaches on the island.