Morrison's got a housekeeper too, a retired Alaskan fisherman named Mr. Thorne.
An avid fisherman, he named his production company Upstream Productions, and lived on a boat in the Bay Area.
A year later, having met and married an eccentric local fisherman named John Daly, she began what was to become a four-year adventure, until his death, aboard a 41-foot troller.
Last week an environmentalist and fisherman named John Cronin tried to get himself arrested by the Metro-North Commuter Railroad for trespassing.
In a seaside village north of here, a fisherman named Hameed said it was better just to think about the moment, and for now things were better.
Especially, the fishermen had on their boats nametags named as Gravarne.
Peasants and fishermen found to be practising Christianity were executed on a craggy islet-appropriately named the Isle of Rocks-about a half hour from here by rowing-boat.
The local fishermen named it as such because the waters surrounding the island is teeming with sea cucumbers, which looked like the male genitalia.
Another fisherman named Hennessey tricks him with a "good fishing spot" at 42 degrees North, 71 degrees West (which is actually in West Bridgewater, Massachusetts).
A fisherman named John Atwood built the first house on Long Point in 1818.