Here were plates of spiced fish wrapped in seaweed, slices of octopus, balls of rice.
Thursday's top sale item was a Surrealist painting by Magritte of a blue fish wrapped in pearls.
I'd hand the order to the fishmonger along with Gran's purse, and receive the fish wrapped in paper.
The family then receives two fish wrapped in Brasi's vest, imparting he "sleeps with the fishes".
It was fish and chips, wrapped in a piece of newspaper.
He set the fish, wrapped in leaves, at her feet like an offering.
I entered his restaurant with my 25-pound fish wrapped in a plastic bag, its tail sticking out tauntingly.
A strange chance occurred one week while they shopped, filling their baskets with fresh greens and smoked fish wrapped in salted sheets of kelp.
A more interesting skill I acquired was how to cook fresh fish wrapped in banana leaves in an outdoor oven.
She was holding a fish wrapped in newspaper.